Helpful Photos and Videos From Our Cardiology Practice in Redding and San Diego
For more complete pictures of Dr. Nanavati's work, please visit Instagram@heartdoc530
73 y/o female with Diabetes, found to have abnormal stress test prior to planned foot surgery. This lead to angiogram and subsequent percutaneous intervention of the ostium( origin) of the branch off the left circumflex artery called obtuse marginal. A single stent was used to open the blockage.
72 y/o female US National traveling from Mexico having chest pain.
57 y/o male with chest pain. He had an abnormal stress test which led to a CT angiogram imaging test showing a blockage. This led to the angiogram shown.
This is a narrative by me to help those of you who don’t do this for a living better understand the procedure of coronary angioplasty and stenting. Hope it helps you.
70 y/o female having “indigestion” which gets better with Sublingual nitroglycerin. Moreover, she had an abnormal stress test.
73 y/o female presents with accelerating symptoms of angina. Angiogram pictures show Left Anterior Descending artery (LAD) is severely blocked(stenosed). She receives an initial balloon dilatation and finally a drug eluting stent is implanted (see final result). She no longer has chest pain.
82 y/o man presents with new, worsening chest pain. He’s had a history of bypass surgery and multiple stents placed in the past. He was referred for coronary angiogram. Findings are seen in the “ Before” picture, followed by the therapeutic stent placed.
75 y/o female having chest pain with minimal exertion. After stent, no more chest pain.
The stent seen in this picture was originally placed 2008.
75 y/o female I placed a stent in her diagonal artery 2008, comes to my office complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain. First picture was X-ray showing silhouette of stent. Second picture shows coronary angiogram showing stent to be widely patent today December 14,2022 (14 years later).
These are the 3 pictures of the 41 y/o male I described on earlier post. They show before (the blockages in the coronary arteries look like pinched off area), during and after the stents were successfully implanted. It’s imperative to remain on the anti-platelet medication for at least one year.
41 y/o male on dialysis and chronic ventilator had sudden hypotension. Troponin ( cardiac marker indicating heart damage) was elevated. This is what I found. See all 3 pages
The coronary artery is what shows up in black. Contrast dye during X-ray appears black. The pinched off area in the “ before” picture is the stenosis. The “after” picture no longer shows the stenosis because a balloon opened it followed by a metal stent to prop it open. The balloon is removed, leaving only the metallic stent.
84 y/o male with chest pain and equivocal stress test. I placed stent in LAD in 2008. Angiogram done today shows stent remains widely patent 14 years later.
Women don’t get classic anginal chest pain. This is the perfect example: 82 y/o female who stated she had Right lower abdominal pain which is identical to her pain she had before her stent 10 years ago. After we reopened the stent restenosis, her abdominal pain resolved. She went home the day after her stent.
65 y/o male presents with acute chest pain and dizziness. EKG done in Emergency room shows ST elevation. Code STEMI called. The complete blockage was re-opened with a balloon and stent was placed. Symptoms and EKG improved. He went home 2 days later on anti-platelet medication he will need to stay on for one year.
An 58 y/o man presented with chest pain while traveling through San Diego. Before picture shows the tight blockage and “After” shows the results after emergency stent procedure performed by Dr. Nanavati.
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